Maritime and offshore personnel


Since 2002 HRC Offshore has been the leading external supplier of maritime and offshore manpower to the Norwegian offshore fleet.

HRC supplies both Norwegian and foreign crew to advanced offshore vessels and rigs, operating all over the world. Recruiting the right people will decide whether a business succeeds or not. The current labour market presents us with new challenges every day. Creativity and developing our services in close collaboration with our customers are vital to our success.



Our services




Personalhuset HRC offshore is a leading supplier of subsea personnel.

Read about Subsea services

Medic & HSE

We supply medical and HSE personnel to advanced offshore vessels and rigs worldwide.

Read about Medic services


HRC supplies both Norwegian and foreign crew to rigs, operating all over the world.

Read about Maritime services

Rig & Oil Service

We supply oil service personnel to offshore vessels and rigs in and outside of Norway.

Read more about rig & oil service

Aquaculture and Fishfarm

We offer staffing and crewing solutions for every classification within the aquaculture industry.

Read more


Personalhuset HRC Offshore is a specialist provider in recruitment for the oil and gas industry.

Read about recruitment


"Recruiting the right people will decide whether a business succeeds or not. The current labour market presents us with new challenges every day. Creativity and developing our services in close collaboration with our customers is vital to our success. "

Sondre Sande, Manager Personalhuset HRC Offshore




Our latest news

Hvordan unngå diskriminering og fremme inkludering i rekrutteringsprosessen

Hvordan unngå diskriminering og fremme inkludering i rekrutteringsprosessen

Å sikre en rekrutteringsprosess fri for diskriminering og som fremmer inkludering er avgjørende for å bygge en robust og mangfoldig arbeidsstyrke. Her er noen strategier for å oppnå dette målet.

les innlegg
Bærekraftsrapport 2023

Bærekraftsrapport 2023

Vi er stolte over å presentere vår bærekraftsrapport som viser vårt engasjement for en mer ansvarlig og bærekraftig drift. Les rapporten her.

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Et mangfoldig arbeidsmiljø

Et mangfoldig arbeidsmiljø

Det er godt for et arbeidsmiljø at ikke alle er like og tenker likt, men at de utfyller hverandre. Ulik kunnskap kan føre til gode diskusjoner, nye perspektiver på mange saker, og innovative ideer.

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Our certifications